According to a press release issued by the Paris Public Prosecutor’s Office on 26 August 2024, Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of the popular instant messaging platform Telegram, was arrested at Le Bourget airport near Paris on 24 August 2024. The press release confirms that Durov was taken into custody at 8 p.m., marking the start of his involvement in an extensive judicial investigation initiated by the Paris Public Prosecutor’s Office, specifically its cybercrime division, JUNALCO.

The press release outlines that the investigation into Durov and his platform encompasses a wide range of criminal activities. The charges, brought against unnamed individuals, include complicity in operating an online platform to facilitate illegal transactions within organized groups. The Paris Public Prosecutor’s Office also stated that Durov is accused of refusing to provide crucial information requested by law enforcement, which is necessary for carrying out legal intercepts.

The press release further alleges Durov’s involvement in handling and distributing illegal materials. Additionally, the press release specifies that the investigation covers the illegal trade of narcotics, with Durov accused of being complicit in the acquisition, transportation, and possession of drugs. His alleged involvement extends to offering tools designed for unauthorized access to data processing systems, indicating a deeper connection to illicit cyber activities, as highlighted by the Prosecutor’s Office.

The judicial process, as detailed in the press release, is being conducted by investigative magistrates from the Paris Public Prosecutor’s Office in coordination with specialized units, including the Centre for the Fight against Cybercrime (C3N) and the Anti-Fraud National Office (ONAF). These agencies have been co-assigned to continue the investigation, emphasizing the complexity and high stakes of the case, as outlined in the press release.

As reported in the press release, Durov’s arrest led to his extended police custody, which was sanctioned on 25 August 2024 by an investigative judge. The custody period, which can last up to 96 hours, reflects the seriousness of the alleged offenses under investigation, all of which fall under the organized crime category, according to the Paris Public Prosecutor’s Office.

The press release also mentions some of the more complex charges related to cryptography. Durov is accused of providing cryptology services designed to ensure confidentiality without the necessary official declarations. Additionally, the Paris Public Prosecutor’s Office points out that the investigation scrutinizes his role in importing cryptographic tools that bypass legal requirements for prior declaration, further intensifying the charges against him.

Earlier in the day, French President Emmanuel Macron addressed the situation on social media platform X, responding to misinformation surrounding the arrest of Pavel Durov. Macron emphasized France’s commitment to freedom of expression, innovation, and entrepreneurship while affirming that these freedoms are upheld within a legal framework to protect citizens and their fundamental rights. He clarified that the arrest of Durov was part of an ongoing judicial investigation and not a political decision, underscoring that it is the judiciary’s role, acting independently, to enforce the law and determine the outcome of the case.

At the time of writing, the cryptocurrency Toncoin ($TON), which is closely connected to the Telegram messaging platform through The Open Network (TON) — a blockchain project originally developed by Telegram — is trading at around $5.60, down nearly 18% since just before the news of Durov’s arrest got out.

Featured Image via Pixabay

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